Bursary Funding

Through the Looking Glass Charity
Linklaters Bursary Book Vouchers 2015
We are delighted to announce that our generous sponsors, Linklaters LLP have donated two £500 book vouchers for two deserving alumni students who have successfully completed Through the Looking Glass Programme (one bursary will be awarded in H1 and the second will be awarded in H2).
Who can apply?
We welcome applications from all Through the Looking Glass alumni who received a course certificate and are currently undergraduates studying at university or a similar post-secondary education institution.
How to apply
You can apply to win a bursary book voucher by submitting:
a) your curriculum vitae;
b) providing evidence that you are attending a higher education institution; and
c) a 750 – 1000 word essay answering the following question: “2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta – what do you see around you that will still be here in another 800 years?”
The following resources may assist you with answering this question:
The deadline
Your curriculum vitae and completed essay must be received by info@lookingglassuk.com no later than Friday 27 February 2015. Any applications received after this date will not be considered. No cash alternative will be offered to the book vouchers.
All applications received by the above deadline will be reviewed by a judging panel comprising a Trustee of Through the Looking Glass Charity and Linklaters LLP. The successful applicant will be notified directly. The decision of the judges is final.